José Martins
If life gives you melons, ← ← A
How to meeting
We all have meetings and we have often question why do we have them. This will maybe help you ease that pain
The four types of remote work
An overview about pros and cons of different types of remote work
How to Android without Google [easy way]
A comprehensive guide on how to setup your android phone without anything Google related [the easy way]
How to Android without Google [hard way]
A comprehensive guide on how to setup your android phone without anything Google related [the hard way]
“Amazing job offer” [heart not found]
A view on how we can improve the heartless communication around job offers
Why do I smell burning?
My personal experience of a burnout and what I learned.
You're not the boss of me!
Wether hierarchy is a pyramid or a plain, it shouldn’t make all that difference
From F to F while on fire in 5...
Normally you don’t start a new job de-motivated and bored. How do people get there?
It does matter where you put it
The importance of where to publish what you want to share with the world
It actually works!!
Why and how I set this blog up